Build The Next Big Thing On Web3

Meet new challenges - Hack your way to the top

WEB3 is here to help reimagine your world and empower users to have full control and responsibility over their data. Build simple, scalable and secure dApps, DeFi, infrastructure apps and tools, or migrate an existing web2 app to Web3.

2022.11.1(TUE) ~ 3(THU)

@Tech-Blaze E-center, Remmy Close

Main Program



Listen to various speakers present their work and also explain their journey in the Web3 Industry


Hackathon Challenge

The Hackathon will showcase Web3-based solutions for different sectors on the continent. The top three winners will be selected by judges.


Breakout sessions

We’ll get down to the nitty-gritty of topics such as decentralised finance (DeFI), (NFTs), and decentralised autonomous organizations (DAOs).



Get to interact with blockchain/Web3-focused brands and companies and discover how they provide their services.



If you’re looking to immerse yourself deeply into any part of Web3, it will help if you get like-minded people going down the same road.

Join Web3 Hackathon 2022